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WWII Battle Over the Pacific

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Nájdených 4 záznamov (zobrazujem 1 až 4)
Cena vrátane DPH
PS2 WWII: Battle Over The Pacific (Nová)

PS2 WWII: Battle Over The Pacific (Nová)

Popis hry Jedinou spásou spojencov v známom pacifickom konflikte ste práve Vy so svojim lietadlom, sám proti stovkám pozemných, vzdušných i námorných nepriateľských jednotiek. Boj za slobodu bude ležať len vo Vašich rukách. Prečo nakupovať u nás? Spoľahlivé doručenie priamo pred Vašu rohožku...

415 recenzií

16,25 €
490 Sk


My Flying Boat War: Survival and Success Over the Atlantic, Mediterranean and Pacific in Ww2 (Hodgkinson)

My Flying Boat War: Survival and Success Over the Atlantic, Mediterranean and Pacific in Ww2 (Hodgkinson)

Wing Commander Vic Hodgkinson DFC served throughout the Second World War as a pilot in the Royal Australian Air Force. His war began in 1939 when he traveled to the UK to become one of the founding members of 10 Squadron RAAF. With its training complete, the squadron took delivery of its first Short...

1147 recenzií

29,08 €
876 Sk

Battle Colors: Insignia and Aircraft Markings of the U.S. Army Air Forces in WWII: China-Burma-India and the Western Pacific (Watkins Robert A.)

Battle Colors: Insignia and Aircraft Markings of the U.S. Army Air Forces in WWII: China-Burma-India and the Western Pacific (Watkins Robert A.)

Volume VI of the series covers the unit emblems and tactical aircraft markings of the forty-eight USAAF combat groups and eight squadrons that served in the China-Burma-India Theater and Western Pacific Area of Operations during WWII. Additional units covered include the Chinese-American Composite W...

1147 recenzií

47,12 €
1 420 Sk

American Armor in the Pacific (Guardia Mike)

American Armor in the Pacific (Guardia Mike)

This Casemate Illustrated illustrates US Army and Marine Corps amor operations during the Pacific Campaign of WWII, from 1942-45. This latest in the Casemate Illustrated series explores American armor during the Pacific Campaign of WWII, from 1942-45. During this period there were over twenty major...

1147 recenzií

19,44 €
586 Sk

Nájdených 4 výsledkov

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